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Face Massage

Lymphatic Therapy
in Longmont, CO

Manual lymphatic therapy (MLD, or lymphatic massage) helps to decrease inflammation and boosts the immune system, making it an effective tool for recovery and disease prevention.


Pricing is available on the scheduling page. New patients must book 90 minutes for their first session.

What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is an entire body network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes, plus the spleen, thymus, tonsils, and Peyer's patches in the lower intestine. It is a vital and active system, filtering toxins and other waste products from our bodies. There are approximately 600-700 lymph nodes in the human body!

The lymphatic system functions to:

  • Transport fluid from the spaces between the body's cells back to the blood circulation. This prevents fluid accumulation (swelling, or edema) in the body.

  • Circulate lymphocytes and other white blood cells to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other foreign cells (including cancer cells).

  • Absorb fats from the small intestine.

Our health is dependent upon optimal lymph circulation through our lymphatic vessels and entire lymph system, to support these functions.

Manual lymphatic drainage therapy (MLD) helps the lymph circulation to flow optimally, enhancing the removal of toxins and excess fluid (edema) from our bodies.

What is lymphatic drainage therapy?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) therapy (also known as lymphatic massage), is a specialized manual therapy which supports the optimal health of the lymphatic system. The techniques used in MLD are designed to increase and optimize the movement of lymph fluid throughout the lymphatic vessels and nodes. The reason this is so important is that the lymphatic system is responsible for filtering out all harmful bacteria, viruses, cancerous cells, and all cellular waste from our bodies. In other words, the lymphatic system keeps us healthy, destroying foreign invaders.

MLD is a potent therapy to activate this vital lymphatic system, in order to improve lymph movement, improve immune system function, and decrease inflammation and swelling. And because there are few absolute contraindications, it can be used in the treatment of many issues.

Therapy is gentle, rhythmic, relaxing, and not painful. 

How can lymphatic drainage therapy help me?

Research shows a link between many chronic health issues and inflammation. MLD is the primary therapy which manages and decreases both acute and chronic inflammation. Lymphatic drainage therapy benefits are vast, and start with the following four principles:

  1. MLD has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. It calms the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (our fight/flight/freeze response), which positively influences the parasympathetic nervous system (which promotes rest, good digestion, healing, recovery, and restoration of strength).

  2. MLD helps pain reduction.

  3. MLD boosts the immune system.

  4. MLD decreases excess fluid in the body's tissues.

A partial list of conditions which can benefit from MLD include:

  • Acute and Chronic Edema                           

  • Post-Surgical Edema (cosmetic and plastic surgery, dental surgery, joint replacement surgery, general surgery)

  • Scar Treatment (post-surgery, post-injury, acne)

  • Edema of Traumatic Origin (sprains, fractures, torn muscle, joint dislocations, hematomas, burns)

  • Edema affecting Nerves (migraines, headaches, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.)

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Chronic Inflammation of Respiratory Tract (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis)

  • Dermatological Issues (acne, rosacea, allergic & chronic eczema)

  • Long Covid symptoms

  • Fibrocystic Breast Disease

  • Inflammation - Acute and Chronic

  • Whiplash and Concussion

  • Immune System Benefits

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